Friday, April 30, 2010

Whoa. Time Vortex, maybe?

Where I Am: at home in my favorite chair

What I'm Listening To: Blessed Silence

Amazing. It's amazing to me the way time passes. Someday, I'm going to unravel the mysteries of how it is that time, which I know to be relative (thank you, Dr. Einstein), doesn't seem to relate to me. Harumph.

What this means is, I don't know where it went. Time marched on, apparently right past me, and here we are on the last day of April and I honestly don't know how it all happened. Whoof.


I do have an excuse for being sort of lost. I have completed the draft of If It Walks Like a Duck and I am hugely excited about this. WOO! I'm currently working on editing which is daunting but also gratifying. It feels good to be cleaning up the messy parts and turning convoluted margin notes into clean text. But I am trying to keep things in perspective. I have a long way to go.

Ever mindful of the future, I've been encouraging myself with ideas of Ellen Keely's next adventure. See, I'm really hoping that by the time people finish reading about Ellen's first foray into the world of mystery, they will be as eager as I am to find out what she will do next. To that end, while my conscious mind is working through knotty problems in the Duck draft, my subsconcious is having a bit of fun with early details of what it has, for the moment, named Dead In Dog Years, the second installment of the Ellen Keely mysteries.

Exciting, no?

I'd love to stay and chat, but I have some editing I'm eager to get done today. Let's meet again soon. :P